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Lorena McNamara

Project Manager

About Lorena:
Lorena is passionate about cultivating change in communities through relationship building, conflict management, communication, and sustainable development. She holds a Master of Science in Capacity Development and Extension, and a Bachelor of Environmental Studies in International Development. Her thesis research was focused on “Women in Entrepreneurship in Kitchener/Waterloo”, as Lorena has always felt compelled to action and towards advocacy related to women and gender equality and equity. Her graduate research was directed at Theatre and Social Change, focusing on the important and critical work the Arts Sector does in our communities. This research was an opportunity to combine all the passions that Lorena has, while recognizing, researching, and advocating for the continuation and further development of arts in communities, as an way to encourage growth while recognizing the important role women often play in arts communities and sectors.

What Inspired your Participation in this Project?
Learning about the strength of a woman, and the quiet strength and perseverance that the women who came before me, and raised me have continuously showed. This is important work; for history, for advocacy, and for life! When Laura (my mother) asked for support, I jumped on board. This is a creative way to cultivate change, show recognition, and appreciate legacy.

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